Creator of this small website
Mar 8, 2011 1 min read

Reusing chef providers in mcollective

It has been quite calm for a couple of months here. I have switched job, it explains why I had less time to post some things.I now work at fotolia, and I switched from puppet to chef (no troll intended, I still think puppet is a great tool, please read this).

However, a tool I still have is the awesome mcollective. Unfortunately, the most used agents (package, service) relay on puppet providers to do their actions. Fortunately, open source is here, so I wrote a (basic) service agent that uses chef providers to start/stop or restart an agent. It still needs some polish for the status part (ho the ugly hardcoded path) but I was quite excited to share this. Freshly pushed on github !

Thanks to Jordan Sissel for minstrel, an awesome debug tool, the opscode team for the help on the provider and R.I. Pienaar for mcollective (and the support).